iso certification
Green and Clean Hospital Management System

Healthcare industry faces three major challenges. One challenge is safety, the next is effluence and bio waste management and the other affordability. Safety comes through effective regulation and incentivizing quality, Effluence and bio waste management through effective regulation and proper management of wastes, whereas affordability is achieved by improving efficiency through optimal use of resources and cutting down waste and efficient processes.

Hospital are known to be consuming large amount of electrical energy, which result into generating greenhouse gas emissions. Hospitals also require huge amount of water supply. Both these resources are precious. Hospitals also consume materials that could have toxic effects, which includes MERCURY, CLEANING AGENTS and PESTICIDES etc. Hospitals also generate large quantities of Bio Medical Waste, which can have serious repercussions for environment and society at large.

Environmentally sustainable hospitals can also help in lowering the cost of healthcare delivery. This happens as hospitals are encouraged to practice energy saving measures that include electricity, water, gases and other consumable, by adopting of environmentally friendly processes, eliminating unnecessary purchases, choosing environmentally friendly agents/re-agents, recycling etc. All such aspects are addressed within the standard.

Hospital is a place of healing. Therefore, every hospital must have a robust system in place, which mitigate the adverse effects on environment within the hospital premises and at the same time does not in any way impacts external surroundings adversely. GREEN and CLEAN Hospital Standard provides necessary guidelines for effective environment, facilitating hospital in managing bio-medical waste and in controlling infection. This standard aims at optimum utilization of resources like electricity, water and other consumables, aiding hospitals in delivering safe and affordable healthcare to the community.

The GREEN and CLEAN Hospital aims to mitigate adverse effects on environment (GREEN) and even hasten the recovery process through infection free ambience (CLEAN).

The compliance to this Standard will provide tangible economic benefits like;
  • 1. Reduced consumption of raw material/ resource
  • 2. Reduced energy consumption
  • 3. Improved process efficiency
  • 4. Reduced waste management and disposal cost
  • 5. Utilization of recoverable resource
  • 6. Include use of renewable energy
  • 7. Reduced hospital acquired infection

Hospitals shall develop Green and Clean Management System addressing the requirements of this Standard and suitably incorporate them within the existing system.

The five pillars of this Standard are:
  • 1. Leadership and Commitment
  • 2. Legal Compliance
  • 3. Environment Sustainability
  • 4. Operational Control
  • 5. Monitoring, Measurement and Improvement

The standard covers all processes; clinical as well as non-clinical and requires hospitals to undertake regular assessments for Green and Clean Management System.

ISO Certification in Dubai, UAE.

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