Certification of Organizations
The usual path for an organization that wishes to be certified against ISO 22301 is the following:
1. Implementation of the management system:
Before being audited, a management system must be in operation for some time. Usually, the minimum time required by the certification bodies is 3 months.
2. Internal audit and review by top management:
Before a management system can be certified, it must have had at least one internal audit report and one management review.
3. Selection of the certification body (registrar):
Each organization can select the certification body (registrar) of its choice
4. Pre-assessment audit (optional):
An organization can choose to perform a pre-audit to identify any possible gap between its current management system and the requirements of the standard
5. Stage 1 audit:
A conformity review of the design of the management system. The main objective is to verify that the management system is designed to meet the requirements of the standard(s) and the objectives of the organization. It is recommended that at least some portion of the Stage 1 audit should be performed on-site at the organization’s premises.
6. Stage 2 audit (On-site visit):
The Stage 2 audit objective is to evaluate whether the declared manage - ment system conforms to all requirements of the standard, is actually being implemented in the organi - zation and can support the organization in achieving its objectives. Stage 2 takes place at the site(s) of the organization’s sites(s) where the management system is implemented.
7. Follow-up audit (optional):
If the auditee has non-conformities that require additional audit before be - ing certified, the auditor will perform a follow-up visit to validate only the action plans linked to the non- conformities (usually one day).
8. Confirmation of registration:
If the organization is compliant with the conditions of the standard, the Registrar confirms the registration and publishes the certificate.
9. Continual improvement and surveillance audits:
Once an organization is registered, surveillance activi - ties are conducted by the Certification Body to ensure that the management system still complies with the standard. The surveillance activities must include on-site visits (at least 1 per year) that allow veri - fying the conformity of the certified client’s management system and can also include: investigations following a complaint, review of a website, a written request for follow-up, etc