iso certification

Government and mine administrators must get ready measures for the control and checking of environment, the use of close mines, the initiation of the local economy, and the financial plan for the task at the season of shutting the advancement.

Government and mine operator must plan for the neighborhood occupants, who could conceivably be affected by mine closings, an official correspondence channel to permit connection between all partners.

Mining is a brief action, with mines working from anyplace between a couple of years and a couple of decades. Progressively, however, what happens after a mine is closed, and the impact this has on the local community and environment, has an essential impact on the aggressiveness of the mining operation.

They try to expand the effectiveness of investigation and generation by means of precise data on the quality and organization of the metals, minerals and coal they separate, and by protecting the integrity of their assets.

Mining organizations likewise look to safeguard reputation by following to working procedure that are environmentally and socially maintainable and guaranteeing the quality of shipments.

Implementing ISO standards can help organisations
  • Reduce energy costs
  • Ensure quality standards of your service are maintained
  • Provide confidence and assurance to your clients/stakeholders their data is protected
  • Comply with any international regulations
  • Improve performance across the organisation
  • Ensure health & safety within the workplace

ISO standards being implemented in the Mining Sector

ISO Certification in Dubai, UAE.

Companies we've worked with
